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The focus of this program is translational research, which involves studies that occur at the interface of the laboratory bench and patient bedside. Since all students admitted to this track will have a clinical/health profession degree*, the emphasis of the program will be training in the basic science, which improves the graduate's ability to successfully compete for extramural funding. There are required clinical components to assure competency in the foundations, principles and processes of clinical research. The keystone of the training is the completion of a dissertation project that integrates laboratory-based and translational investigation.

The Clinical & Experimental Therapeutics faculty have diverse areas of expertise, with focal strengths in Oncology, Cardiology, Infectious Disease, and Neurosciences.

Financial Support

Several graduate programs in The University of Kentucky recently received financial support from the Research Challenge Initiative, a Commonwealth of Kentucky supported effort to enable The University of Kentucky to become a top 20 federal research institution by the year 2020. The Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics training program supports graduate students with stipends, payment of tuition, as well as health insurance. The financial support comes from the Research Challenge Initiative and from teaching assistant assignments. Even higher stipends are available when an extramural/competitive fellowship is received, such as an AFPE fellowship or an NIH National Research Service Award.

Special Admissions Requirements

*The completion of a PharmD, DDS, DVM or other professional health degree is required for admission into this training track.


The Clinical & Experimental Therapeutics faculty have diverse areas of expertise; collectively, there are therapeutic strengths in Oncology, Cardiology, Infectious Disease, and Neurosciences. Following are the graduate faculty in the Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics training program.


We wish to remember and honor those who inhabited this Commonwealth before the arrival of the Europeans. Briefly occupying these lands were the Osage, Wyndott tribe, and Miami peoples. The Adena and Hopewell peoples, who are recognized by the naming of the time period in which they resided here, were here more permanently. Some of their mounds remain in the Lexington area, including at UK’s Adena Park.

In more recent years, the Cherokee occupied southeast Kentucky, the Yuchi southwest Kentucky, the Chickasaw extreme western Kentucky and the Shawnee central Kentucky including what is now the city of Lexington. The Shawnee left when colonization pushed through the Appalachian Mountains. Lower Shawnee Town ceremonial grounds are still visible in Greenup County.

We honor the first inhabitants who were here, respect their culture, and acknowledge the presence of their descendants who are here today in all walks of life including fellow pharmacists and healthcare professionals.