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Daniela Moga
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Pharmacy Practice & Science Dept.
Research Office
Lee T. Todd, Jr. Bldg, Room 241

Dr. Daniela Moga is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, an affiliated faculty member in the Institute for Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (IPOP), and Larry H. Spears Endowed Chair in Pharmacogenetics in the College of Pharmacy. She currently serves as Assistant Dean for Research (Clinical and Translational Programs) in the College of Pharmacy. Dr. Moga is also jointly appointed as a professor in the Department of Epidemiology in the College of Public Health and serves as a faculty associate with the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.

Dr. Moga's areas of interest include geriatric pharmacoepidemiology and health outcomes research, and lie at the intersection of aging, multimorbidity and brain health. Dr. Moga’s research focuses on using real-world data to evaluate health effects of potentially inappropriate medications, as well as developing and evaluating deprescribing interventions to optimize treatment regimens in older adults at risk.



  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Clinical Research
  • Alzheimer's/Dementias
  • Aging
  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
  • Opioids
  • Big Data/Large Claim Data
  • Comparative Effectiveness
  • Health Disparities
  • Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy 
  • Deprescribing


  • College Faculty
  • Assistant Dean for Research, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy Clinical and Translational Programs
  • Faculty, Institute for Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (IPOP)
  • Larry H. Spears Endowed Chair in Pharmacogenetics, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
  • Faculty, University of Kentucky College of Public Health Department of Epidemiology
  • Faculty, University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging



  • Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology, University of Iowa College of Public Health
  • Post-Graduate Residency Training in Epidemiology, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Post-Graduate Residency Training in Public Health and Management, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Doctor of Medicine, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy

We wish to remember and honor those who inhabited this Commonwealth before the arrival of the Europeans. Briefly occupying these lands were the Osage, Wyndott tribe, and Miami peoples. The Adena and Hopewell peoples, who are recognized by the naming of the time period in which they resided here, were here more permanently. Some of their mounds remain in the Lexington area, including at UK’s Adena Park.

In more recent years, the Cherokee occupied southeast Kentucky, the Yuchi southwest Kentucky, the Chickasaw extreme western Kentucky and the Shawnee central Kentucky including what is now the city of Lexington. The Shawnee left when colonization pushed through the Appalachian Mountains. Lower Shawnee Town ceremonial grounds are still visible in Greenup County.

We honor the first inhabitants who were here, respect their culture, and acknowledge the presence of their descendants who are here today in all walks of life including fellow pharmacists and healthcare professionals.