Doctoral Degrees Awarded August 2019
Na-Ra Lee, Ph.D.
"Discovery of Novel Pharmacotherapeutics for Substance Use Disorders"
Mentor: Linda Dwoskin, Ph.D.
Salin Gupta Patel, Ph.D.
"Mechanisms and Thermodynamics of the Influence of Solution-State Interactions Between HPMC and Surfactants on Mixed Adsorption onto Model Nanoparticles"
Mentor: Eric Munson, Ph.D., Co-Mentor: Brad Anderson, Ph.D.
Markus Ville Tiitto, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
"Therapeutic Video Games and the Simulation of Executive Function Deficits in ADHD"
Mentor: Robert Lodder, Ph.D.
Xirong Zheng, Ph.D.
"Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of Cocaine Hydrolases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Cocaine Addiction Using Rodent Models”
Mentor: Chang-Guo Zhan, Ph.D