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Caleb Akers has been awarded the Dennis Casey Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Engineering Graduate Student Travel Award. The purpose of this award is to assist a graduate student in the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Engineering with travel expenses related to attending an AAPS or appropriate alternative scientific meeting. Graduate students benefit significantly by presenting their research at a scientific meeting. In addition to the opportunity to listen to world-renowned scientists, there is the opportunity to meet leaders from industry and academia including alumni of the graduate program in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Akers earned a BA in Biochemistry and Physics from DePauw University before arriving at the University of Kentucky. In the Pharmaceutical Sciences program, he works in Dr. Daniel Pack’s lab which specializes in gene therapy and gene delivery. Caleb’s work specifically investigates the effects of targeted charged polyplexes on cellular processing. After completing his dissertation, Akers plans to continue in the field of professional research into gene or drug delivery.